Hi, I’m Eric Sinkovits.

A Product Designer.

Currently at r4 Technologies on their r4 XEM Data Analytics Solution. Previously worked at Walker Digital in research and development.

  • Case Study

    Elite Baccarat Perfect Pay

    The only RFID-enabled baccarat table capable of tracking hand outcomes, wagers, payouts and player ratings in real time.

  • Note Book


    A Jupyter Notebook that aims to predict which passengers on the Titanic survived.

  • Concept Art

    Various 2D and 3D concept art I have created over the years.

  • UI/UX Design

    Various sample of my UI designs I have worked on over the years.

  • Prototypes

    Prototypes and demos I have created over the years for various projects.

  • Animation

    Animations I have created over the years for games, company info graphics, and logos.

  • Games Design

    These are a sample of the games I have designed and worked on over the years.